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UnoLimited - No spawn limits for Admins or SuperAdmins

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Full dump file attached and my config for unolimited. Its v2.2 and no I don't get any errors. I have also experienced issues with URestrict (no I didn't have both installed at the same time). All ULX addons I have in folder: XGUI, Unolimited, and UClip (doesn't work as well)

Didn't look at other stuff yet, but, let's clarify this first;
Do you want your superadmins to be able to spawn nothing?
From my config notes

--- Quote from: JamminR ----- Range is 0 (0 percent) to 2 (200 percent). Setting a group to 0 will limit that group to nothing.

--- End quote ---

So is your complaint that it's not limiting at all?
All groups hit the limit at your server setting no matter what group?

Also, though it's possible I just don't see it, I find no message of ULib or UNoLimited loading in your condump.
(Though, ULX does indeed load, presume it's there somewhere)

I don't use superadmin. Admin has about the same rights as a normal superadmin just not certain allow and deny settings. I did that so Owner (me) would have the most permissions.

And correct all players are hitting the limits

Sorry that I'm bumping this EXTREMELY old topic, but how can I add SENTs to the list? I can't spawn SENTs as superadmin / custom ranks, also... people can still spawn guns with LEFT mouse while 'sbox_maxsents' = '0'

Ugh. <censor> Garry. He can't make up his mind.
I didn't know Garry had added back sbox_maxsents ( http://www.facepunch.com/threads/1095234-gmod_game-Added-sbox_maxsents )
He removed it in 2008. (Can't find changelog, but I actually posted about it http://forums.ulyssesmod.net/index.php/topic,3327.msg10015.html#msg10015 )

So, I may or may not update this. Odd thing is, I didn't think it would allow you to proceed if set to 0.
Might research, might not.
Look within the code, it may still be commented out (has -- in front of lines regarding maxsents)
See also - newer active release here called URS. Might have same ability.

Open your unolimited.lua. Find all the commands that look similar to below. Add code below after an 'end' but before a next 'function' of those similar looking code bits. Not tested, may not work, but, is basically same i used to have before 'fixing' it in 2008 after Garry removed sbox_maxsents.

--- Code: ---/*---------------------------------------------------------
   Name: gamemode:PlayerSpawnSENT( ply, name )
   Desc: Return true if player is allowed to spawn the SENT
function GAMEMODE:PlayerSpawnSENT( ply, name )
    return LimitReachedProcess( ply, "sents" )   

--- End code ---


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