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UnoLimited - No spawn limits for Admins or SuperAdmins

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Doesn't work.


--- Quote from: koolaid on February 14, 2010, 09:31:18 AM ---Doesn't work.

--- End quote ---

That doesn't help us or you in the slightest. What errors do you get? When doesn't it work? Did you make any changes? What other addons are you running? What gamemode?

Its a SpaceBuild2 gamemode. My friend set the superadmins group to -1 for unlimited and then tried spawning a bunch of props but hit the prop limit. He has ULib 2.40, Ulx, Ship cores, SBEP, SBMP,  Wire SVN, Life Support 2, phx3, stargate, and a few others.

Do you know if Spacebuild uses it's own limit system? It's possible it's overriding UnoLimited.
Does your server start up console show that UnoLimited is loading?
Besides seeing it as a module file in the ULib // blah.lua // loading area, you should also see " *** UnoLimited Loaded ***"

I don't think spacebuild has its own limit system. Yes it does show *** UnoLimited Loaded ***


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