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UnoLimited - No spawn limits for Admins or SuperAdmins

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Is this addon still working for people?

Also, is this supposed to be spelt wrong
hook.Add( "Initialize", "LimitInitilize", init )

Other than conflict with any other addon that also uses the same method to limit Gmod spawn limits (DarkRP prop ban, URestrict, few others), I honestly don't know.
As for spelling, probably but not sure. The misspelled word is supposed to be unique. I could see purposely not spelling it right so that it would be.
Are you having particular trouble with it, or just asking before you try?
There has been quite a bit of time since I last tried it, and several Gmod updates since... always possible something in it was broken over time.

It's working fine for me!


--- Quote from: giloh on June 08, 2010, 07:15:16 PM ---Also, is this supposed to be spelt wrong
hook.Add( "Initialize", "LimitInitilize", init )

--- End quote ---

I'm assuming you mean the thing in bold. And to tell the truth, it doesn't really have to be something specific.

If you're getting what you think are hook conflicts, you can change that to anything. For best effect, let your fingers have a spasm over your keyboard, like this: ktyhjrdhykrfgjhnrekjyhejdhgkure

(alphanumeric only, so only letters and numbers are OK. I think)

Did some debugging on the Linux version of the Garry's Mod dedicated server. Turns out that the ulib folder in UnoLimited_v2/lua/ULib/modules/ needs to be lowercase. I went ahead and lowercased everything for good practice. Just a heads up!

[EDIT-JamminR] -Post attachment removed - First (release) post updated. New version #. Thanks AtomicSpark.


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