I just restricted a lot of toolmodes in my server. All of them apparently...
I've removed the code with them enabled, because I don't know what went wrong.
toolmode_allow_paint = 0
toolmode_allow_ignite = 0
toolmode_allow_wheel = 0
toolmode_allow_weld_ez = 0
toolmode_allow_turret = 0
toolmode_allow_trails = 0
toolmode_allow_thruster = 0
toolmode_allow_statue = 0
toolmode_allow_spawner = 0
toolmode_allow_rtcamera = 0
toolmode_allow_rope = 0
toolmode_allow_physprops = 0
toolmode_allow_nocollide = 0
toolmode_allow_muscle = 0
toolmode_allow_motor = 0
toolmode_allow_magnetise = 0
toolmode_allow_leafblower = 0
toolmode_allow_keepupright = 0
toolmode_allow_inflator = 0
toolmode_allow_hoverball = 0
toolmode_allow_finger = 0
toolmode_allow_faceposer = 0
toolmode_allow_eyeposer = 0
toolmode_allow_example = 0
toolmode_allow_emitter = 0
toolmode_allow_elastic = 0
toolmode_allow_dynamite = 0
toolmode_allow_duplicator = 0
toolmode_allow_colour = 0
toolmode_allow_camera = 0
toolmode_allow_balloon = 0
toolmode_allow_keypad_wire = 0
ulx toolallow ignite in server doesn't change it. Erm...
ideas on how to ENABLE the toolmodes I want enabled?
