Author Topic: Forced Downloads just refusing to work, probably a simple fix?  (Read 4863 times)

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Offline tasktool

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I downloaded this admin server mod so that my friend and I could easily start our own servers and have them automatically download our sounds/files that one of us dont have.

So what happened was, I installed everything, and configured the server config, so that it will force download a couple mp3s. Which worked, my friend joined my server and he was forced to download the 2 mp3s and they worked for both of us, then I sent him the admin/server mod (this) and he downloaded it, I gave him instructions, and told him how to set up the force downloads, and right ever since then non of us can get it to work. I added another sound file to my list, and he said that it didnt force him to download it, nor did it force me to download his, we troubleshooted for about an hour before he gave up. This is really frustrating, as I know that it works, but something happened or something. My server config looks like this:

ulx addForcedDownload "sound/unlife1.mp3" 1
// You can add a folder to add all files inside that folder. If recursive is 1 it will also add all files from any sub-folders.
//ulx addForcedDownload "sound/my_music" 1

// You can also add forced downloads here. Make sure you put quotes around the path/filename, and take out the comment string '//'.
// Add as many as you want. You can also add these to your map- or game-specific files.
// format: ulx addForcedDownload <file/folder> [<recursive>]

I added the line above the help comments assuming it doesnt matter, and the other two songs I had there worked before. They just refuse to force download though. I searched the FAQ and it says something about server.ini? But mine is a server.configuration. It actually just says configuration settings and doesnt specify the file type, i'm just troubleshooting. The songs that I tried to send afterwards that did not work were smaller in size than the ones I sent before, and we are both using the same server admin mod ulx.

Offline JamminR

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Re: Forced Downloads just refusing to work, probably a simple fix?
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2009, 09:00:48 PM »
Try removing the 1 from after the actual file.
Recursive is meant for folders, not individual files.

Other than that, not sure.

Please list any errors that occur from server console when a player joins, or any that occur at server startup.
"Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained." -- The Tao of Programming

Offline tasktool

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Re: Forced Downloads just refusing to work, probably a simple fix?
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2009, 05:53:58 AM »
Mounting hl2.. Not Mounting hl2 (no access)
Not Mounting hl2 (no access)
Mounting ep2.. Disabled
Mounting tf.. Not Mounting tf (no access)
No permission
Mounting cstrike.. OK
Mounting dod.. Not Mounting dod (no access)
No permission
Mounting episodic.. OK
Mounting hl2mp.. OK
Mounting portal.. Not Mounting portal (no access)
No permission
Mounting lostcoast.. OK
Mounting hl1.. Not Mounting hl1 (no access)
No permission
Mounting hl1mp.. Not Mounting hl1mp (no access)
No permission
Mounting zeno_clash.. Not Mounting zeno_clash (no access)
No permission
KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer:  got EOF instead of keyname in file addons/longhairx/info.txt
Parent cvar in server.dll not allowed (sk_apc_missile_damage)
Garry's Mod client.dll Build #064 [May  8 2009 20:38:40]
maxplayers set to 64
Steam config directory: c:\program files\steam\steamapps\kof_v\garrysmod\platform\config
Convar r_rootlod has conflicting FCVAR_CHEAT flags (child: FCVAR_CHEAT, parent: no FCVAR_CHEAT, parent wins)
Convar r_eyeglintlodpixels has conflicting FCVAR_CHEAT flags (child: FCVAR_CHEAT, parent: no FCVAR_CHEAT, parent wins)
Convar r_skin has conflicting FCVAR_CHEAT flags (child: no FCVAR_CHEAT, parent: FCVAR_CHEAT, parent wins)
Convar mat_softwareskin has conflicting FCVAR_CHEAT flags (child: no FCVAR_CHEAT, parent: FCVAR_CHEAT, parent wins)
--- Missing Vgui material hud/leaderboard_dead
Garry's Mod server.dll Build #064 [May  8 2009 20:38:39]
maxplayers set to 1
Unknown command "sv_backspeed"
Unknown command "r_VehicleViewDampen"
GetAllManifestFiles:  Unable to load maplist.txt
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/..\vgui\maps\menu_thumb_cp_badlands
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/..\vgui\icon_con_high
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/..\vgui\maps\menu_thumb_default
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/../vgui/icon_con_high.vmt
maxplayers set to 10
Unknown command "sv_rollangle"
Unknown command "sv_unlag_fixstuck"
Network: IP, mode MP, dedicated No, ports 27015 SV / 27005 CL
Lua initialized (Lua 5.1)
KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer:  got } in key in file In
kof_v, groups,
KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer:  got } in key in file In
kof_v, allow,
KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer:  got } in key in file In
kof_v, deny,
KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file In
(*kof_v*), (*deny*),
KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file In
(*kof_v*), (*deny*),
KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file In
(*kof_v*), (*deny*),
KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer:  got EOF instead of keyname in file In
<account_name>, superadmin, (*deny*),
includes/extensions/player_auth.lua:71: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got number)
======== Installing Table (De)Serialiser Module | ver: 1.4 ========
//      Ulysses Library      //
// Loading...                //
//  shared/defines.lua       //
//  server/hook.lua          //
//  server/gamemode_hooks.lua//
//  shared/misc.lua          //
//  shared/util.lua          //
//  shared/table.lua         //
//  shared/player.lua        //
//  server/player.lua        //
//  shared/messages.lua      //
//  shared/concommand.lua    //
//  server/concommand.lua    //
//  server/util.lua          //
//  shared/sh_ucl.lua        //
//  server/ucl.lua           //
//  server/phys.lua          //
//  server/player_ext.lua    //
//  server/entity_ext.lua    //
// Load Complete!            //
[ULIB] Loading SHARED module: ulx_init.lua
//       ULX Admin Mod       //
// Loading...                //
//  sh_defines.lua           //
//  lib.lua                  //
//  base.lua                 //
//  log.lua                  //
//  MODULE: chat.lua         //
//  MODULE: fun.lua          //
//  MODULE: menus.lua        //
//  MODULE: rcon.lua         //
//  MODULE: slots.lua        //
//  MODULE: teleport.lua     //
//  MODULE: toolmode.lua     //
//  MODULE: user.lua         //
//  MODULE: util.lua         //
//  MODULE: vote.lua         //
//  MODULE: votemap.lua      //
//  MODULE: userhelp.lua     //
//  end.lua                  //
// Load Complete!            //
======== Beam NetVars Lib v0.71 Installed ========
=== Loading Wire Menus ===
ERROR! Module 'zlib_b64' not found!
==== Advanced Duplicator v.1.72 shared module installed! ====
Added EntCheckHook: AdvDupe_NoItems
Added EntCheckHook: AdvDupe_DisallowedClasses
Added EntCheckHook: AdvDupe_ModelCheck
==== Advanced Duplicator v.1.84 server module installed! ====
===  Wire  1138   Installed  ===
Registering gamemode 'sandbox' derived from 'base'
ScriptEnforce is disabled
Loading Wire Tools
Writing cfg/banned_user.cfg.
Executing listen server config file
exec: couldn't exec listenserver.cfg
Adding master server
Adding master server

[L] sandbox
Map: gm_construct
Players: 1 / 10
Build: 3740
Server Number: 1

Connection to Steam servers successful.
No pure server whitelist. sv_pure = 0
   VAC secure mode is activated.
InitFastCopy: only 49% fast props. Bug?
Lua initialized (Lua 5.1)
======== Beam NetVars Lib v0.71 Installed ========
======== Installing Table (De)Serialiser Module | ver: 1.4 ========
RunConsoleCommand blocked - sent before player spawned (ulib_cl_loaded)
=== Loading Wire Menus ===
ERROR! Module 'zlib_b64' not found!
RunConsoleCommand blocked - sent before player spawned (ZLib_Installed)
==== Advanced Duplicator v.1.72 shared module installed! ====
==== Advanced Duplicator v.1.741 client module installed! ====
--- Missing Vgui material modelsduckehuttons
=== Loading Wire Model Packs ===
   Loaded: default.txt
   Loaded: expression2.txt
   Loaded: cheeze_buttons2.txt
   Loaded: wire_model_pack_1.txt
   Loaded: wire_model_pack_1plus.txt
   Adding Cheeze's Buttons Pack
   Jaanus' Thruster Pack
   Beer's Model pack
loading materials
loading material: cable/rope_icon
loading material: cable/cable2
loading material: cable/xbeam
loading material: cable/redlaser
loading material: cable/blue_elec
loading material: cable/physbeam
loading material: cable/hydra
loading material: arrowire/arrowire
loading material: arrowire/arrowire2
Registering gamemode 'sandbox' derived from 'base'
Loading Wire Tools
Sending 858 'User Info' ConVars to server (cl_spewuserinfoconvars to see)
Updated DuaFiles (1363)
[UCL] Access set.
AdvDupeShared: Server Compression: false
===  Wire  1138   Installed  ===
This server is running ULib version 2.21.
[ULIB] Loading SHARED module: ulx_init.lua
RunConsoleCommand blocked - sent before player spawned (ulib_cl_ulib_loaded)
--- Missing Vgui material texturemissing
Redownloading all lightmaps
ERROR: Hook 'sendMapAutoComplete' Failed: ulx\modules/util.lua:69: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got nil)
Removing Hook 'sendMapAutoComplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_resetinfo'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ULXMotdStart'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ULXMotdText'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ULXMotdText'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ULXMotdText'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ULXMotdEnd'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'SendMotdMenu'

I can not access the admin !menu unless I type in "ulib_cl_ulib_loaded" into the console as well.
I read about it on some forum. Any idea about all of the other errors?

Also, when I start MOTD some other servers MOTD pops up that isnt even mine! It's so strange, I don't know where it's getting whatever MOTD file that it is reading.

Offline [WCA]AIDS

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Re: Forced Downloads just refusing to work, probably a simple fix?
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2009, 09:08:54 AM »
I had the "Warning: Unhandled usermessage" errors a while ago.

To fix that I had to completely remove all ULX/ULib files and download everything from SVN, I mean everything, a full SVN checkout.

The URLs for the SVN repositories are here:,3092.0.html
A simple tutorial for how to use SVN is here:,3138.0.html
(If you already understand how to use SVNs I apologize, it seems most people don't)

Offline JamminR

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Re: Forced Downloads just refusing to work, probably a simple fix?
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2009, 07:39:53 PM »
Thanks WCA Aids.
Tasktool, he's right. The errors you're getting seem to indicate you're using our (not so) latest release...that is, release from our download page. Unfortunately, Garry has made several updates since that release, and we've not been able to pull together another official one.
If you _are_ using SVN, at least to your knowledge, then please wipe the servers addons/ulx and ULib folders, and re-checkout.

It seems some of the other addons you use may need updating also. The Zlib is something used by advanced duplicator, and a part of it is being blocked. Another major error at server startup deals with groups. I'm not sure just from the text if it means you have a bad settings/users.txt, a bad data/ULib/users.txt, or some other mod.
From the error "includes/extensions/player_auth.lua:71: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got number)" .. I'd look and make sure your settings/users.txt file is right.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2009, 07:43:22 PM by JamminR »
"Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained." -- The Tao of Programming