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Sourcebans integration

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Can you ban yourself using the actual sourcemod command (I think it's sban - not sure)
As another person commented, is sourcemod compatible/will it run on Gmod13 servers?


--- Quote from: JamminR on November 05, 2012, 08:17:36 PM ---Can you ban yourself using the actual sourcemod command (I think it's sban - not sure)
As another person commented, is sourcemod compatible/will it run on Gmod13 servers?

--- End quote ---

MM and SM dont work as of Gmod13 and they don't plan to update meta mod for a while.

You could take a shot at using this

Installed it fine, but when I try banning someone..  i.e L 11/11/2012 - 19:21:18: [ULX] XenZibe sourcebanned Themself permanently (reason)
It does nothing but display that message, it doesn't kick or do anything just shows that in chat...
Can anyone help? (willing to pay)

XenGaming, is SourceBans/SourceMod working on your GMOD13 Server?
That is, can you use the SourceMod console command, without ULX, to ban/kick people?

All the code discussed in this thread does is run SourceMod commands from player or server console.
Admins who have the ULX access to run ulx command also have to be registered with a working copy of SourceMods.

As of two posts ago...SourceMod wasn't working in Gmod13.


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