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Still Kicking -- ULX 3.40, ULib 2.30, and UPS 0.95

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This release includes lots of fixes for long-standing bugs garry introduced since the last versions of ULX and ULib, and a few stability improvements. This release has been codenamed "Still Kicking".

I'm also releasing an updated version of UPS at the same time that fixes some long-standing bugs in that release, too!

Don't forget to thank Stickly Man for forcing me to release this, and JamminR for keeping us up and running. :)

Here's the changelogs...

--- Quote from: ULX Changelog ---v3.40 - *(06/20/09)*
   * [ADD] Alltalk to the admin menu
   * [FIX] Umsgs being sent too early in certain circumstances.
   * [FIX] The .ini files not loading properly on listen servers.
   * [FIX] Problems introduced by garry's changes in handling concommands
   * [FIX] Changed ULX_README.TXT file to point to proper instruction link for editing Gmod default users.
   * [FIX] Removed a patch for a garrysmod autocomplete bug that's now fixed.
   * [FIX] Maps not being sent correctly to the client.
   * [FIX] Can't create a vote twice anymore.
   * [FIX] A bug with loading the map list on listen server hosts.
   * [FIX] An unfreeze bug with the ulx jail walls.
   * [FIX] A caps bug with ulx adduserid.
   * [FIX] You can now unragdoll yourself even if a third party addon removes the ragdoll.
   * [FIX] Various formatting issues with ulx ban and ulx banid.
   * [CHANGE] ulx ragdoll and unragdoll now preserve angle and velocity.
   * [CHANGE] motdfile cvar now defaults to ulx_motd.txt. Sick of forcefully overriding other mod's motds. Renamed our motd to match.
   * [CHANGE] ulx slap, whip, hp to further prevent being "stuck in ground".
   * [CHANGE] Menus are derma'tized.
   * [CHANGE] Updated how it handles svn version information.
--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: ULib Changelog ---v2.30 - *(06/20/09)*
   * [FIX] Umsgs being sent too early in certain circumstances.
   * [FIX] Some issues garry introduced in the Jan09 update regarding player initialization.
   * [FIX] ParseKeyValues not unescaping backslashes.
   * [CHANGE] Rewrote splitArgs and parseKeyValues.
   * [CHANGE] misc_registered.txt now self-destructs on missing or empty groups.txt.
   * [CHANGE] All gamemode.Call refs to hook.Call, thanks aVoN!
   * [CHANGE] SetUserGroup now REMOVES any other groups and sets an exclusive group. Sorry about this, but this is for the better.
--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: UPS Changelog ---v0.95 - *(06/20/09)*
   * [ADD] Ability to enable and disable world protection.
   * [ADD] Ability to revoke admins' elevated privileges.
   * [FIX] Some problems with data consistency on player initialization.
   * [FIX] Added checks all over to ensure data integrity.
   * [FIX] Rewrote the anti-damage system. Should be able to take just about anything you can throw at it now (npcs, turrets, fire, etc).
--- End quote ---

As always, download these files (except UPS, which is available on the Release forums) on our homepage at

In case anyone cared to know, it took about 3+ hours to get all this ready for release (no code changes, just... managing packages, announcements, etc). This is why it's hard to get motivated to release more often. There should really be a better method of releasing, and no, SVN doesn't cut it.

Also remind me to never try to get three concurrent releases out the door at the same time ever again.

Oh crap you updated it!
I'm all excited now I gotta go try it.

* JamminR faints from holding breath so long


--- Quote ---  * [CHANGE] ulx slap, whip, hp to further prevent being "stuck in ground".
--- End quote ---

Aww, but that was so much fun :(


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