Hey Ulysses User/Team and so on

I have a little Problem. I need an LUA command for gmod, Half Life CS:S and so on.
It should do the follow thing:
When i press mouse4 (i guess its mouse4) then it should do type the following to the console
"bind "mousewheel_up" "jump""
and when i press it again it should do
"bind "space" (dont know if the button called space. just the " ") "jump" like unbinding from mousewheel
So while Playing: i press the mouse4 button. Then i jump with the Mousewheel. I press it again then i jump with Space again.
Im a Lua noob. so i cant do it on my own. i can read lua but not write :/ to much in practice with c++. no time for lua.
I hope you can help me
