Author Topic: HTML boxes on command.  (Read 2719 times)

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Offline Lisianthus

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HTML boxes on command.
« on: July 10, 2009, 06:44:28 AM »
I would be really usefull on many servers (Including mine :P) if there was a mod that worked like the MOTD, but allows more than just one html box.
Like you could write: "!Rules, !Mods, !Blargh etc" and you get one text file for each box you want.
Because at the moment my MOTD is spammed and need more room for rules and mods and preferably descriptions how do install mods etc.

I know there is Umotd but it's inactive at the moment.

Offline JamminR

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Re: HTML boxes on command.
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2009, 03:09:15 PM »
Why post it as a suggestion if the release already exists? I can understand going to the release and asking "hey, I'd really like to see this become active again"... but, a suggestion for ULib or ULX.. doubtful. ULX is an admin mod..not a browser/web app.
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Offline Lisianthus

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Re: HTML boxes on command.
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2009, 09:13:29 PM »
Why post it as a suggestion if the release already exists? I can understand going to the release and asking "hey, I'd really like to see this become active again"... but, a suggestion for ULib or ULX.. doubtful. ULX is an admin mod..not a browser/web app.
First, I can't see that mod coming alive again. It's like poking on a corpse. It's almost a year since it deceased.
Second I might have explained it bad. But when did I say I wanted a web browser application? I said I wanted boxes that contains information to the players.
Isn't ULX supposed to make it easier for the admins? That's exactly what those boxes will do.
You must be able to realize that explaining the rules for a certain events through typing is a lot more
annoying for the admins than just saying "If you don't know the rules please refer to !eventrules."

But seeing you being not helpful at all whatsoever makes me quite sure that this will never get made.
Thanks for your input in any case. *cough*

Offline Megiddo

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Re: HTML boxes on command.
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2009, 10:20:11 PM »
ULX makes it easier for the admins, but we already get (unfounded) complaints about ULX taking up too much CPU time, disk space, etc for us to want to add another heavy weight feature like this to ULX. Honestly, UMotd should be a simple process to get up and running again, if anyone wants to take up the task.
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Offline JamminR

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Re: HTML boxes on command.
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2009, 11:09:01 PM »
Most motd I see have the rules in them.
First page brought up. Rule breakers have no excuse.

The motd written into ULX was a feature, not a requirement to administer a server.

Majority of the reason I stopped development on UMotd was time.
The next reason... maintenance.
It seems every time I updated it... Garry changed code that would make it break.
I have trouble enough finding time to improve it, let alone time to keep up with Garry's whims.

All the Ulysses developers here can attest... it's often disheartening. We're all busy with other responsibilities to find time for this hobby.
"Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained." -- The Tao of Programming