Author Topic: Ulx Groupallow  (Read 4450 times)

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Offline Jeremiah767

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Ulx Groupallow
« on: August 05, 2009, 09:51:08 AM »
I am a host for a darkrp server in GArrysmod.  I have to say, thanks to all those who had a part in making ULX, it does so much to help the server its crazy.  I used the search engine to try and find the answer to my problem but apparently I am alone in my stupidity as I did not find the answer.  My group is old but very new to having this kind of a server(one with high need for admin presence). 

I have created a group called "overwatch" in console.  I intend to make certain people overwatch, so that hey can execute commands like, kick and noclip but not be able to do things like ban someone permanently.  For some reason, every time I enter the command in console, it neither tells me I have done it right, nor tells me I have done anything wrong.  It just enters the command and nothing happens.  I have used several variations of the command.  As I understand it currently, I should be entering:
ulx groupallow overwatch "ulx slap" 1
but this doesn't seem to work.  I have tried many many variations and nothing works.  I have even used rcon.

ONe more question, is it possible to make it so a group has limits on how long they can ban someone for? because I don't want anyone perma'd from my server by an overwatch, but I know its alot of hassle to ban someone over and over again if they are being a pest.(hmm, actually I could just make use of ulx freeze and possibly rp_arrest"

Anyway thanks for the help.

Offline JamminR

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Re: Ulx Groupallow
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2009, 03:19:19 PM »
As I understand it currently, I should be entering:
ulx groupallow overwatch "ulx slap" 1
ONe more question, is it possible to make it so a group has limits on how long they can ban someone for?

Quote from: ulx help
o groupallow <group> <acess> [<revoke>] - Allow group access to string access.
1) Short - If you add a 1/true/yes after "ulx slap", that means you're trying to <revoke>, that is, take away the right of the group to perform that action. If you're sure you've used addgroup already to add overwatch, just leave off the 1 when using groupallow.
Long - We wrote in the revoke command as a means to take away the right from a group, without necessarily denying it. Denying it would prevent individual users of that group using it if userallow had been granted.
Odd though you didn't get an error.

2) Temp bans - I could have sworn someone around here released/posted code to allow for temp bans. Can't find it.
ULX doesn't include it by default.
 Good idea though. If a bantemp command were to be included by default, what would you recommend.... 12 hours? Or, perhaps make a 'bantemp' command default to 12 hours, but allow the user to set any time up to 12?
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Offline Jeremiah767

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Re: Ulx Groupallow
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2009, 05:39:50 PM »
1) Ok so the command is
ulx groupallow overwatch "ulx slap"
nothing else is needed, no 0, kk, got that tyvm for the quick responce

2) I think that sounds about right.  Personally I usually wait until someone pisses me off to the point of banning them 1 day before I'll resort to the banhammer but 12 hours would give new admins in training the ability to maintain the structure of the server without alotting them enough power to piss off truly good clients that may never return.  But thanks, I'll see if I can't google/wikipedia the code for that.  God those websites are helpful. 

Offline JamminR

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Re: Ulx Groupallow
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2009, 06:02:59 PM »
A good way to learn lua... just check out the ban command within ULX itself.
Copy into a new file and a few edits would be all that is needed.
"Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained." -- The Tao of Programming