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Very nice update, thank you.  :D

only one thing is anoying for me

that all commands are Urequest.
nobody knows what that U mean so could you pleas make it so that the commands are only request?

i also found a bug if you type into console urequest it says

Please Specify A Sub Command: makemakepdeleteviewhelp

would be better if it say make, makep, delete, view, help ;D

and if you type !urequest help into chat it should say something like
pleas look into your console or it could also open a gui with help and buttons for all the commands

What I would like to have is that when you type !request, a menu appears, with the choice of available actions, instead of having to type !urequest make.

yes that would be cool i would like to have it too. :P


--- Quote from: stefan1994 on August 14, 2009, 10:16:26 AM ---only one thing is anoying for me

that all commands are Urequest.
nobody knows what that U mean so could you pleas make it so that the commands are only request?

Please Specify A Sub Command: makemakepdeleteviewhelp

would be better if it say make, makep, delete, view, help ;D

--- End quote ---
     - U can mean either You or Ulysses
     - Yeah, I forgot to put the formating in on the commands


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