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hmmm... I'll look into it.

=======================UREQUEST IS BEING REBUILT!====================================
Features to come:
     - Ability to add a message for why a request was denied/accepted
     - Notification that your request was denied/accepted plus a reason if supplied
     - Live gui, no more disappearing then re-appearing to show updates
     - Active admins will be alerted when a request is made
     - When an admin joins they will be reminded of pending requests

Its being completely rebuilt again?

YAY hope to see it even better than it already was.... even though it wouldnt work for me  8)

Yup, complete rebuild. I am taking my time this go around. Things are going to be a lot smoother with the behind the scenes operations.

?Question? - Should private request have the submitting players SteamID encrypted or hidden, or left visible to the server admins?


--- Quote from: jay209015 on November 18, 2009, 02:47:50 PM ---?Question? - Should private request have the submitting players SteamID encrypted or hidden, or left visible to the server admins?

--- End quote ---
If someone has trusted enough access to see requests, they should be able to see the steamid.

Personally, I'm really at a loss as to why some are so secretive about this... I can view SteamIDs on Source servers all day long...
Is there some exploit using SteamID's I'm not aware of?


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