Author Topic: Restrict the Q Menu!  (Read 3054 times)

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Offline EC

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Restrict the Q Menu!
« on: August 22, 2009, 05:05:39 PM »
(NOTE: I've been browsing this forum alot but could not find a solution so here I am making a new topic)

Okay so so I've setup a Build server althoug I don't want people to be able to spawn guns out of the Q Menu, admins should be able to do this but not regular users.

I did download URestrict but I couldnt get it to work so am not downloading it again (No errors, I know I did all right cause i read 3 tutorials on how to use it and they all gave me the same result!)

But I have UTeam and I found a thread here on how to make them spawn with just some weapons so dont mind that.
All am wondering is: Is there someway I can restrict the Q Menu so they cant spawn CS Guns or any other guns except the laser pointer and remote "thingy". I would love the person who would help me with this! (Not love as sexuall but love as friend o.o)
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Offline JamminR

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Re: Restrict the Q Menu!
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2009, 05:23:14 PM »
EC, you should really post your challenge with URestrict in the URestrict thread.
ULX has options for some tool control, but, they aren't based on group, only per user or per everyone (including admins), and thanks to the hard work Jay is putting into URestrict, we aren't going to be upgrading the ulx tool commands.
It wouldn't surprise me if we were to eventually remove them.
We (Team Ulysses) have been pointing everyone towards URestrict for the access you're wanting to control.
Jay's been working hard on a rewrite of the code base of long since you last used it, and, were you running all the latest SVN versions of ULib and URestrict?
I understand if  you don't want to run SVN (our beta code), but, it really is meant to do what you're trying to do.

Otherwise, see the ulx help command
Quote from: ulx help
Category: Toolmodes
   o toolallow <toolmode> - Globally allows the use of the specified toolmode. (IE: "remover")
   o toolallowuser [<user>] <toolmode> - Allows a player the use of the specified toolmode.
   o tooldeny <toolmode> - Globally denies the use of the specified toolmode. (IE: "remover")
   o tooldenyuser [<user>] <toolmode> - Denies a player the use of the specified toolmode.

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Offline EC

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Re: Restrict the Q Menu!
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2009, 05:29:05 PM »
Ok well the ULX inbuilt command arent good since i dont want to restrict the tools just make users unable to spawn guns from the Q Menu at the tab Weapons since a single manhack somehow can crash my server o.O

I guess I will give URestrict another shot then.
Althoug i mind need some help, are you willing to help me? :P
Since last time i had loadouts and configured the config file but the ingame GUI didnt show anything no matter what I did.

Okay so i downloaded it what would i do now then? o.O

(Sorry for being such a noob, just made the server yesterday)
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Offline JamminR

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Re: Restrict the Q Menu!
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2009, 05:40:33 PM »
Read through the URestrict thread .. see how to set it up. It uses menus now so you shouldn't have to know the names of the tools/weapons. There is a ULib bug that Megiddo is working on that could cause problems.

The best way to learn is to 'tinker' after reading everything available.
We can't do every step for you. Read. Learn. Try. Test.
 Report problems that happen when you follow the items in the thread if no one else has reported them.
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