Ulysses Stuff > Suggestions
Name change
Have you got it to work?
Could you possibly make a file with it all more-or-less setup so I can just add my steamid and use it?
ask rex for help, mine no longer works
--- Quote from: Golden-Death on November 19, 2005, 03:35:22 PM ---ask rex for help, mine no longer works
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Alright cheers, i've pm'd him.
--- Quote from: jesus on November 20, 2005, 07:56:03 AM ---Alright cheers, i've pm'd him.
--- End quote ---
Alright, ya, I figured out how to get it working. I use v1.0.1x or something. Download the HL2Deathmatch version. Extract all the contents to I think the HL2 folder in your dedicated server, maybe hl2mp as well. Also, extract a copy of the contents to gmod. If you install it properly with a dedicated server, then it will crash every time the server loads. So, in gamemodes.txt, move every thing from "Garry's mod" to "Uknown Mod", b/c v9 is no longer called just "Garry's mod".
--- Quote from: Jesusaurus-Rex on November 22, 2005, 05:30:12 AM ---Alright, ya, I figured out how to get it working. I use v1.0.1x or something. Download the HL2Deathmatch version. Extract all the contents to I think the HL2 folder in your dedicated server, maybe hl2mp as well. Also, extract a copy of the contents to gmod. If you install it properly with a dedicated server, then it will crash every time the server loads. So, in gamemodes.txt, move every thing from "Garry's mod" to "Uknown Mod", b/c v9 is no longer called just "Garry's mod".
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Can I use it without making a dedicated server?
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