by server console u mean pressing the ~ key while in my server right??? thats wat i do
That depends... are you renting the server from a company? (You may have stated this already somewhere, I didn't review)
That means it's a dedicated server, and you need to find out how to access the server console.
I remember you did mention rcon previously... if you've run the command "rcon ulx debuginfo" after your rcon password command... that will work to.
If you are starting Gmod, then clicking the "Start multiplayer game" button, that is considered a listen server, and pressing ~ while playing counts as "server" console (even though its also the 'game' console)
Either way, figure out which type of server you have, and run that command, then look for a file in <gmod>/data/ulx/debuginfo.txt
When you run the command properly (from the server console), it should tell you where it placed it.