ULib r92 & ULX r74
I have problems in my server.ini with the ulx addCsayAdvert & ulx addForcedDownload commands.
I have them set as:
ulx addCsayAdvert "***USING THE BALLS OF STEEL\Props Madness E2, WILL RESULT ON A PERM BAN ON THIS SERVER!!!***" 255 0 0 600 10
ulx addForcedDownload "sound/music/ian" 1
ulx addForcedDownload "sound/music/gzs" 1
However the advert does not show (it used too), and the forced downloads don't transfer (also used to work)
The 2 forced folders do exist on server, and the file does not exist on client side (I test using my other steam account, since it's handy to have a non admin\not everything installed GMOD install on another system)
Sorry if I have missed any changes to those commands but I could not find any
