Using latest SVN of Ulx/ulib, Urestrict, and Uteam
I am superadmin, "ulx help" never returns anything
everyone's tab menu has no groups, they're all gold
all chat commands work, except !tp
all in-game ulx commands do not work, (i.e. ulx adduser, ulx addgroup) the only place they work is in the server console
urestrict gui doesn't appear when typing in "urestrict" to console, nor does "urequest", but urequest does work when typing in !request to the chat
There are no errors, as far as i can see.
Help plz!

So i reinstalled a fresh copy of ulx and ulib, the menus aren't all gold anymore, they're showing groups. But urestrict and other console commands in-game still do not work.
When i click the apply button to change the sbox cvars from the !adminmenu, nothing happens and i get this:
ulx/modules/cl/adminmenu.lua:32: bad argument #1 to 'floor' (number expected, got nil)
Is the svn version just broken right now? because i'm getting the feeling that it is.