No misunderstanding.
ULX 3.5 will have no tooldeny or allow.
URestrict from our releases forum, a plugin for ULib (yes, svn only), has much more configuration and capability over what tools, weapons and sbox_<whatever> limits can be applied.
ULX was never meant to control those as much as many like you request.
Jay saw that request, and decided to fill the niche.
We understand change is difficult.
To be quite honest, so few used tool<function>, the majority won't miss it.
Don't be afraid to check back here... though some of the changes may seem drastic... even with my conservative optimism of change... I like what I've seen so far, both as a ULX user, and as a behind the scene's coder.
As for your 'menu buttons break after time' issue... please see this post. If you figure out anything that might help, feel free to post. - (
quite lengthy discussion) -,4107.0.htmlIn all honesty, I personally don't believe this is a direct ULX issue...BUT... that doesn't mean it isn't.