Author Topic: ULX SVN Bansystem Problems.  (Read 2588 times)

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Offline igiz

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ULX SVN Bansystem Problems.
« on: October 27, 2009, 04:25:06 AM »
I am having problem with ULX bans as it cant ban ingame people anymore,if I do they can join back straight away.But what I noticed and what could be the cause of the problem is the way the bans work.I have allot of banned users in my banned_user.cfg and when server restarts it bans them all and all those users banned in the file go directly into ulx ban file which I think what corrupts the bans for me.When I go ingame and open up the !menu and view the bans all of the bans appear as unknown.

Any ideas how I can solve this problem?

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Re: ULX SVN Bansystem Problems.
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2009, 01:36:24 PM »
banned_users.cfg will contain all of your perma-bans. ULX's bans.txt will grab the contents of banned_users.cfg and populate the bans.txt file with them. Thats the way it is supposed to work, so thats not a problem.

As for the !menu listing the bans as 'unknown' that is because a name wasn't included in the ban information in ULX's bans.txt. Which is fine, a name is irrelevant. All you need is a steamid and a ban duration.

Could you post the contents of your cfg/banned_users.cfg and your data/ulx/bans.txt? It might be something in the file that is causing a known issue.

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Re: ULX SVN Bansystem Problems.
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2009, 01:43:23 PM »
Bans.txt from Ulx.