You only have 4 temporary bans on your server?
Seems nominal.
Anyway, ban file doesn't seem to be the problem.
In a notepad++ of my own, I've ordered your groups from top to bottom in order of inheritance.
(Wow, you have a mess of groups. My opinion of course, it should all work. I just consider having so many groups, especially one called superadmin, and one called super, a bit... overdone?)
Anyway, on to troubleshooting.
Though it shouldn't matter, you have some commands in multiple groups that, in theory, could cause oddities.
I don't know how you edited your group access. If you did it manually through a file editor... fine... be careful editing again. If you used ULX commands, you should know how to remove commands just like you edited them.
If manually, make sure server isn't running.
These steps are not guaranteed to fix your problem... but they shouldn't hurt.
Many are oddities you may not be aware of within your (imo, messy) groups.txt.
1) Does ULX see you as 'owner'... can you perform those actions listed within your owner allow list?
2) Do you realize no groups you've created can see your '@' /asay chat? (Even know what that is?)
"@hello" in chat, or "ulx asay hello" would say hello to anyone you wish
It's like being able to talk among your privledged members without general users seeing it.
You're operator group has "ulx seeasay", but no group inherits operator.
3) You have "ulx banmenu" in both owner and admin group allows.
Pick one instead of both. Correct which you actually want to have it.
4) You have "ulx ban" and "ulx banid" in lower groups than banmenu... why?
Are you wanting to prevent lower groups from having a GUI, but still be able to ban?
If you wish ban access only to those who also have banmenu access... move "ulx ban", "ulx banid" and "ulx unban" to the same group's allow list you have banmenu in. If you DO wish GUI to be separate from the actual ability to ban... at least place those three (ban, banid, and unban) in the same group instead of spread among three.
5) "Super" group inherits "user". Though, this shouldn't matter, remove the "user" line and try anyway.
"user" is inherited by default for any group not specified otherwise (see operator group for example)
Thats all I remember for now. I've been distracted and it's taken me ~hour to write the above.
Family's in town visiting..sorry. Start with those, see if you have other duplicate allow permissions in more than one group.