After pain staking years of playing around with lua I created a utime script to change any one's hours while playing IG and I also could use MySQL if I wanted to, now it's come to my attention that it has been broken due to Garry for some odd reason removing a very useful derma function which thus made this addon "broken". Now after looking at XGUI scrips and such I've decided to fix it up and get my utime mod working again.
As you can see in these pictures this is what the mod would typically look like
This is just a template from Apromote, it's sister addon. Now when I find out why I can't alter the utime MySQL-Lite databasa, I'll hopefully be able to upload a stable release of this so people can start messing around. I most likely am going to need to talk to Sticky Man about XGUI stuff or Megiddo about utime stuff... :/
Now as of this moment this addon doesn't work, and typically these type of threads belong in Developer's Corner, but because it's going to become a addon in a few days I feel it would be a waste of time to even add it to there so to the moderators of this forum I would appreciate if you didn't move it there and left it in this section.