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ULX Respawn - Respawn Players

(1/4) > >>

I got pretty tired of cexec'ing +attack then -attack on players to respawn them, so I made this  :o

!respawn <name>
or "ulx respawn <name>"

This will respawn the player.

This is for ULX v3.40.
Also attached is the version for the SVN.

I tend to cexec attack all the time, too. :)

i like your idea for this and ulx give but i just tried them on my server and neither of them work with the new command system :(


--- Quote from: TweaK on December 02, 2009, 01:28:27 PM ---i like your idea for this and ulx give but i just tried them on my server and neither of them work with the new command system :(

--- End quote ---

I'm using the release not SVN and they work perfectly, if megiddo or someone could explain how the new system works, I'd be happy to write up copies that work with the SVN  :)

are you getting any errors?

no just invalid command... and i believe JamminR was talking about checking out this for an example of before/after the new command system


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