Author Topic: Need help with making myself superadmin  (Read 15727 times)

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Re: Need help with making myself superadmin
« Reply #30 on: December 24, 2009, 12:39:47 PM »
Connor, have you edited your server's gmod/data/ULib/users.txt? (NOT gmod/settings/users.txt, I can see it seems you did that file correctly)
Or if not edited, you didn't copy the settings/users.txt to gmod/data/ULib/, did you?
If you did, delete data/ULib/users.txt and then join your server and use server console to add yourself to superadmin again.

Megiddo, as you can tell, ULib.ucl.authed is scrambled.
I'm not sure why. He uses special characters in his name in settings/users.txt, does our parser clean that up correctly?

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Re: Need help with making myself superadmin
« Reply #31 on: December 24, 2009, 01:07:26 PM »
Connor, have you edited your server's gmod/data/ULib/users.txt? (NOT gmod/settings/users.txt, I can see it seems you did that file correctly)
Or if not edited, you didn't copy the settings/users.txt to gmod/data/ULib/, did you?
If you did, delete data/ULib/users.txt and then join your server and use server console to add yourself to superadmin again.

Megiddo, as you can tell, ULib.ucl.authed is scrambled.
I'm not sure why. He uses special characters in his name in settings/users.txt, does our parser clean that up correctly?

JamminR, I deleted the gmod/data/Ulib/users.txt awhile back. I tried adding myself in the server console and the rcon. In the server console it still says "You do not have access to this command ^2-=Conn-Marley=-!" and on the rcon it gives me blank results.

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Re: Need help with making myself superadmin
« Reply #32 on: December 24, 2009, 01:11:41 PM »
JamminR, ucl.authed is correct for the svn implementation. It's indexed by uniqueid, and the first table there is the guest access table (empty, pretty much). The next two users also have the guest access tables, so instead of repeating it just shows the table number. However, Connor should still be registered by ULib as a superadmin (wouldn't show in authed). Guess I should add current group into the debug dump...

Anyways Connor, you should be seeing "you are a member of the superadmin group" or something similar when you join now, correct? But you still don't have access to any of the commands? Also, if you see "You do not have access to this command ^2-=Conn-Marley=-!" you are not typing the command into the server console.
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Offline Connor

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Re: Need help with making myself superadmin
« Reply #33 on: December 24, 2009, 01:27:36 PM »
JamminR, ucl.authed is correct for the svn implementation. It's indexed by uniqueid, and the first table there is the guest access table (empty, pretty much). The next two users also have the guest access tables, so instead of repeating it just shows the table number. However, Connor should still be registered by ULib as a superadmin (wouldn't show in authed). Guess I should add current group into the debug dump...

Anyways Connor, you should be seeing "you are a member of the superadmin group" or something similar when you join now, correct? But you still don't have access to any of the commands? Also, if you see "You do not have access to this command ^2-=Conn-Marley=-!" you are not typing the command into the server console.

FINALLY!!!! I got it guys! I'm not sure why it wasn't working before, but I tried typing the command in the rcon console again and it worked! Here is what it said:
repopulating clients
Player [1][^2-=Conn-Marley=-] authed superadmin
(Console) added ^2-=Conn-Marley=- to group superadmin

Thankyou Megiddo and JamminR for being so patient with me. I really appreciate it. You guys are great.