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UTimeM - UTime for MySQL

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Just a suggestion, could you add IP and first visit logging. I have done this myself but I think it might be useful for other people.


--- Quote from: someone920 on June 22, 2010, 06:08:12 PM ---Could you possibly help me make a persistent?

--- End quote ---

thanks to meg and jay they helped make it persistent for me.

There's an error with this now since Garry's Update. Here's the Lua error: I'm pretty sure it still records time, but this error never stops.

--- Code: ---Timer Error: autorun\cl_utime.lua:43: attempt to index upvalue 'gpanel' (a nil value)
--- End code ---

You can remove cl_utime.lua temporarily to stop the errors till a fix is available, the serverside stuff isn't affected.

I've fixed this error, but on the regular version of UTime. Is the cl_utime.lua file in this the same as the one in the original? If so I can attach the fixed file.


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