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UTimeM - UTime for MySQL

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Welcome back, and, great to hear!

Can anyone confirm if this still works?

Also, will gm_mysql work alongside the MysqlOO module by andyvincent?

Could this be made into a mysqloo version?
I don't think its possible to run mysql and mysqloo together, and alot of addons use mysqloo, so it would be a good idea to create a mysqloo version for the compatibility

Im with blackfire88 on this. ULX needs a mysqloo version of utime. I've tried to patch it to work myself, but a serious issue happened that im not experienced enough in scripting to solve. I managed to get it to propagate the database and fill it in the same format as the mysql utime. but i cant for the life of me manage to get it to load times on player join.
Here is a link to my edited version -> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/34509350/UTimeM.zip 

The reason i need this to work so bad is that my server runs on linux, and GmMysql isnt linux compatible.
My goal is to eventually Merge ranks and player times from my gmod and minecraft servers. Combined with
IRC for Multiserver chat system where members can play on the separate systems and still communicate and
earn game credit/time.


--- Quote from: MRDRMUFN on January 26, 2012, 07:41:17 PM ---Im with blackfire88 on this. ULX needs a mysqloo version of utime. I've tried to patch it to work myself, but a serious issue happened that im not experienced enough in scripting to solve. I managed to get it to propagate the database and fill it in the same format as the mysql utime. but i cant for the life of me manage to get it to load times on player join.
Here is a link to my edited version -> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/34509350/UTimeM.zip 

The reason i need this to work so bad is that my server runs on linux, and GmMysql isnt linux compatible.
My goal is to eventually Merge ranks and player times from my gmod and minecraft servers. Combined with
IRC for Multiserver chat system where members can play on the separate systems and still communicate and
earn game credit/time.

--- End quote ---

I require some help of my own(Here is a MySQLOO Utime).http://forums.ulyssesmod.net/index.php/topic,5737.0.html
So the following WILL require a little knowledge of how Utime saves. It is all numbers. I need a way for my PHP Loading screen to read these number, and break them up into Month, Day, and Year. I am not asking for much, I having been searching for a while and can't figure this out, so any help would be appreciated.
I do know alot about coding, I run my own server, [MK] Servers as my name would show, and i have coded my own things with MySQL and PHP but cant find a way for PHP to read the Utime numbers. Please help me.
Thank you all in advance.


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