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ULX ClearDecals - Clear all decals in the map.

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This is an addon for ULX that adds a command that clears all the decals in the map. (Bullet holes, blood, etc.)
I've attached versions for both non-SVN and SVN versions of ULX/ULib.

Type "ulx cleardecals" in the console, or type "!cleardecals" in the chat.

Extract to addons.

Call me old fashioned, but I don't really see the point in replacing one concommand with another.. even more so a longer one..

"r_cleardecals"  ---> "ulx cleardecals"

The chat command addition is nifty though..  ;D

It's also for running it on all clients quickly, and looks nice. ;D I think most people don't even know about r_cleardecals.

ahh, so you have it set up to run concurrently on all clients connected. That is a bit different then. I remember I used to have to do something along the lines of...

"ulx rcon * r_cleardecals" which was a little annoying. :D

Simple.. yet useful. Good Job!

Thanks. ;D


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