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ULX ClearDecals - Clear all decals in the map.

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This is actually very nice. It's horrible having all the blood and scortch marks everywhere, thank you :D

Ryno, See attached picture. Latest SVN, cleardecals hosted on a dedicated server, and just to make sure, removed from my local addons/ client directory.
Autocomplete seems to work.

Ok everyone... what other additions, whether it be to cleardecals, or just general console commands, could be useful?
I'd love to see other ideas for RynO-SauruS to do. There's probably commands that are good but rarely known (or used).

OK, first I'd like to thank you JamminR for your time and interest in this.
Before I noticed you posted your second-from-last post, I checked the auto-complete again, and it showed up. :D
I don't know why it didn't work that time. Sorry for the 'false alarm'..

If you want it to autocomplete, the code to setup the command needs to be run on both the client and server. In the release version all that information was forwarded on to clients for you, but in svn it's too much information to try to shove down the pipe to the client during spawn. :P


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