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Prop Balloon - Turn props into balloons

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Ever wanted to turn something into a balloon without having to weld/attach balloons to it? Now's your chance!
Prop Balloon allows you to set negative or positive lift on any prop that allows physics.


* Use positive numbers to make a prop want to fly.
* Use negative numbers to make a prop want to stick to the ground.
* Use negative numbers on props to become less bouyant in water. For instance blue barrel at ~ -1200 (I forget exact) won't raise to surface, but won't sink to bottom either
Known issues

* Like Garry's Magnetize Tool, any constraints connected to an item you turn into a balloon _will_be_ LOST
Unzip into your <drive><steampath><username><garrysmod>/addons folder.

0.30; - First release to Ulysses forums - Beta 0.30 - getting late, wanted to get it out the proverbial door.

* Should now work on servers
* Fixed sbox_max issue (added a default limit .. 6) - sbox_maxprop_balloon
* Added text for hitting sbox_maxprop_balloon limit
* Corrected text for Undone.
Though I've long wanted to be able to do this (turn any prop into a balloon), general 'push' to do so was (can you believe it?!) inspired by a Facepunch request post

Do NOT upload this to any other download site. Though you may share it, please link to this individual release post.
When I've improved it more, I will add a download link that doesn't require registration.


Yay! Was hoping you'd finish this up. :)

haha, so I'd stop asking if you knew of a way to get it to do what I want it to do in a simpler way?
Still not finished, but wanted to get it released before the weekend ended.

Sounds like fun. Nice!

Thanks to those interested, and to the one person so far who's downloaded it.
I tested it on a server and, oops... found that it wouldn't work..didn't set an sbox_max convar for it.
It should now work on a server.

v04 beta Changelog -
Fixed sbox_max issue (added a default limit .. 6) - sbox_maxprop_balloon
Added text for hitting sbox_maxpropballoon limit
Corrected text for Undone.
Few other tweaks I can't remember.

Still no constraint 'memory' - turning any prop into a balloon will erase all constraints.


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