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[SVN ULib/ULX Only] - Old School Immunity + bonus bounce back
There's a space between the dashes on line 95, which prevents it from working.
Thanks Kenny.
Corrected and re-uploaded. (I've not tested since re-uploading though)
Looks like this would be really nice for people who miss the old system! Nice work! I personally like the new command system..
But, 'ulx physgunplayer' still isn't updated to it yet. Can this addon be used to keep admins from being able to pickup superadmins in the SVN?
--- Quote from: RynO-SauruS on February 19, 2010, 02:21:31 PM ---keep admins from being able to pickup superadmins in the SVN?
--- End quote ---
No. This uses two hooks which ULib calls when players are targeted using console/say command entry.
ULX's current physgun pickup doesn't ever call the ULib functions that call the hooks.
Ok, thanks.
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