That is quite a bit, much of it dealing with IPv6, which 99.9% of the internet, and definitely 'home' based equipment, is not using right now.
You may wish to google how to disable IPv6 in Vista/Windows 7. (Teredo / tunnel adapters are IPv6 to v4 converters)
Also... the fact you seem to run a server through a wireless connection may be causing connection issues to Steam.
Though good for surfing/burst transmission access to the web, wireless usually isn't good for streaming based applications, even when sitting right next to the router.
If you have a way to go ethernet/wired... I strongly recommend doing so.
I bet your players would notice the difference too.
Do you use Bluetooth internet access devices? Not mice/keyboards, but Bluetooth devices designed to access the internet.
If not, you may wish to research how to disable those.
The less connections your applications, including Steam, have to worry/scan through while starting can help issues like the one you're having with losing Steam connectivity.
As for setting an IP in ULX, I'd work on not losing the SteamID/connectivity problems first... once that's corrected, I bet ULX follows.