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resize player


Ok here's my first ever release, and first dive into lua.

This gives you a command to resize players instead of just having a STool.

It took me a while to write because I thought every time I tried to call the ScalePlayer command it would crash, so I tried different things until finally trying to write the size manual to the sql table and it still crashed.. so I FINALLY realized the most obvious but nearly impossible to see mistake, I was running an infinite loop lol!(Isn't gmod supposed to catch these?)
So anyways, once I figured that out I had the thing running in 30 seconds.

Put the whole folder into your addons folder.

Console Command: ulx resize <user(s)> <size>
Chat Command: !resize <user(s)> <size>

Size is a whole number, in percent 100 being full size.
There are no limits on the max size, but 1 is minimum.

Cool. Gmod does find some types of infinite loops, but not all of them. It's really up to you to determine if what you're doing will ever end.

Um yeah where do I extract custom plugins like this


--- Quote from: Magicnachoz on August 26, 2010, 10:28:26 AM ---Um yeah where do I extract custom plugins like this

--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: bojan on March 05, 2010, 09:35:49 AM ---Installation
Put the whole folder into your addons folder.

--- End quote ---

If you don't understand that, please be more detailed with your question


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