Hey Guys,
i dont know if some of you remember me. If not, never mind

Okay i have a Question. About 2 Years ago i wanted to learn Lua. I wasn't patient enough, i failed.
Now i want to start again.
My first aim on ULX/LUA is a little Player Control Plugin. Like !explode, !slay and others.
It should get the name !rocket <Player>.
What it should do:
Pushing the Player in the air and after about 10 Seccounds he explodes.
Can you maybe give me some hints how to start?
I have experiences with PHP, C++, Java and some other Programming Langauge.
My Idea how it should work:
When Activating the Command, first it checks the Players Rank.
If he's admin, the Action starts.
It takes the Name of the Player and looks on the Server if someone with that Name is online.
If yes -> Getting his current Position and Increasing in a loop his Z-Value (I guess z is up?)
During this Loop, a var starts Counting. If it becomes 200 or something like that -> Kill the Player
If no -> Error Message
Well, i dont know the LUA Syntax yet, but just wanted to know if this idea is... let's say "correct"
I will post my first experiments soon
Hope i can finish this little "Project" with your help soon
