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Player Title II - Name and Title Display
Regarding Developer Support
I don't come onto the Ulysses forums as much as I used to. However, if you add me on Steam (and leave a comment with your problem) I'll gladly try to help you out (though be warned I honestly haven't looked at the code in quite some time). This does not mean Player Title II development is halted. Merely paused.
Regarding GMod 13
I've received a report that it works if you rename info.txt to addon.txt.
Our good friend Lt.Smith made PlayerTitle, and maintained it up to version 1.2. It's a great addon, truly, but here's the problem: It hasn't been updated since July 2008, and Lt.Smith himself hasn't come onto these forums since August 2009.
I decided to take over the project (until such time as Lt.Smith demands it back, if he ever does).
- MySQL and SQLite support*
- Easily accessible to Lua (only two simple functions to know!)
- Fades away with distance*
- Comes prepackaged with an E2 extension
How to Use:
- ULX commands: !title, !settitle, !mytitle.* If it's not obvious what they do, check the readme (or run ulx help <command> in console)
- E2 Functions: E:hasTitle(), E:setTitle(), E:title(). If these aren't obvious, check the readme. Note that you must be admin to use E:setTitle() on players other than yourself.
- Lua funcs: playerGetTitle(), playerSetTitle(). If these...you get the idea.
Known Issues:
- Titles can't be longer than 40 characters.* I can't tell if this is a developer imposed limit to maintain a (comparatively) small DB footprint or if it causes issues somewhere, so I left it alone.
- Differing Z coords (differing altitudes), such as Construct's ledges or Flatgrass' spawn platform, can cause the name/title display to disappear.* This is due to the trace screwing up, and can't be fixed in a way I can think of.
- If using MySQL offsite, and there is a lot of latency between the game server and the MySQL DB, the server (and/or maybe the client? I don't use MySQL, I dunno) will freeze while the query is running.*
All items marked with * are features/limits that are in PlayerTitle 1.2.
Screenshots! (And yes, the name of the guy who executed the command is colored by his team color)
You can download the attached ZIP or use this SVN link (RECOMMENDED): http://lavacano-gmod.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/playertitleii/
I'm sorry I don't have a Release version for you guys - I kinda never backed up Release version when I first made it SVN.
Titles are probably limited to 40 characters to keep the rows in the DB a constant size, which makes database access much faster (well, for MySQL anyways, I think SQLite ignores it).
Good work! :)
--- Quote from: Megiddo on July 02, 2010, 05:01:35 AM ---Titles are probably limited to 40 characters to keep the rows in the DB a constant size, which makes database access much faster (well, for MySQL anyways, I think SQLite ignores it).
--- End quote ---
That makes sense.
--- Quote ---Good work! :)
--- End quote ---
Well, thank ya.
Also, I realized I accidentally didn't paste in the end / at my SVN link - it's fixed now, but the SVN is (currently!) no different from the ZIP.
Anyway to hide the gmod default name which shows when u look at players and only have this one show?
Tom :o
It can be done.
Lavacano would just need to add the feature/function.
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