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Player Title II - Name and Title Display
I've put the SVN into my server's addons folder, put the "ulx title" commands into my groups.txt and restarted the server, but it's saying the title commands are unrecognized, am I doing something wrong?
The name shows above someones when you go close to another player, though. But the title space is empty.
Hello? I asked for help 3 days ago. Surely SOMEONE has got this working??
--- Quote from: Author's profile ---Last Active:
October 09, 2010, 12:36:17 AM
--- End quote ---
Be patient.
This isn't facepunch with millions of users who visit every day.
I'm sorry you're having trouble, but haven't used this mod so can't say why it's not working for you.
In the meantime, If you aren't sure how to install the addons, there are plenty of other instructional sites out there.
Make sure you're using both ULib and ULX SVN from this site.
Check for server errors at start up.
None of us here particularly enjoy hearing "it doesn't work" without exact errors or what/where you installed something.
Details are key.
--- Quote from: Xenoyia on October 14, 2010, 06:27:37 AM ---Hello? I asked for help 3 days ago. Surely SOMEONE has got this working??
--- End quote ---
Please paste your console output when you start up the server. Use [code] tags or pastebin please.
Good News Farnsworth!
I updated Player Title II. I added a gettitle command to the ULX side of things and purified some Lua comments. Also "protected" (surrounded in an if block) the MySQL require line if you have it set to use MySQL.
Now the bad news.
The old SVN link no longer works, because I had to delete the account in charge of it (it was compromised). New SVN link is http://lavacano-gmod.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/playertitleii/ .
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