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Player Title II - Name and Title Display
Good work! :)
I really like this addon, it's the little things like this that can really make a server stand out from the crowd.
I find that the names get too big at a distance for my liking, a crowded area can get very jumbled looking, and it becomes hard to see what people are working on at distances because of it.
Settings in XGUI to control the fade/scale would be an ideal update in the future, if you are planning to continue with the project
--- Quote from: krooks on July 21, 2011, 05:36:56 PM ---Settings in XGUI to control the fade/scale would be an ideal update in the future, if you are planning to continue with the project
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I like this idea.
Fade I can definitely do. Scale, not so confident about.
As for a settings UI...I'm more likely to stick that in the Settings or Options tab on the right side of the Q menu, for a couple of reasons:
* XGUI is more for general ULX things so far as I can tell (and admittedly I don't use GUIs all that often anyway, personally preferring console commands, so I could be horribly horribly wrong)
* The text part is done completely clientside so it would make more sense to put clientside settings with other clientside settings :-P
Normally I'd get to work on that right away, but I don't currently have a server to horribly destroy with badly made Lua test on (I'm waiting for my relative to get back to me on the Linode she said she was going to get for me). Soon as I do though, I'll get crackin'.
Stickly Man!:
--- Quote from: lavacano201014 on September 04, 2011, 03:24:38 PM ---
* XGUI is more for general ULX things so far as I can tell (and admittedly I don't use GUIs all that often anyway, personally preferring console commands, so I could be horribly horribly wrong)
* The text part is done completely clientside so it would make more sense to put clientside settings with other clientside settings :-P
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There IS a place within XGUI designed specifically for client-side settings (see http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/8822/1newclientmenu.jpg). It currently only holds settings for XGUI, and I was planning to use the space for future projects.
But yeah, XGUI is designed to be modular to whatever content you'd like-- the general rule of thumb is that if ULX is required to be installed for your addon to function, then you can put it in XGUI (if you want :P)
Let me know if you want to inquire more about it.
I've never dealt with database stuff before and I don't have any mysql or sqlite database... I'm hosting a Gmod server from my computer and I'm using this addon. Suprisingly, when I shut down the server and run it again, the titles are still there. So my question is where are they saved if I don't have any database?
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