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Player Title II - Name and Title Display
Screenshot link in first post returns a 403 error ...
--- Quote from: PAL-18 on February 18, 2013, 04:46:59 PM ---Screenshot link in first post returns a 403 error ...
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--- Quote from: lavacano201014 on July 01, 2010, 10:49:47 PM ---
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See the date?
Hence, why I wish most folks would attach their small-ish images and files here, and not link them.
Though majority of the time the code/whatever they posted here won't work in Gmod 2 years after release, it would at least give someone chance to review, perhaps pick back up.
Add in links to other sites, and, well, I've seen those change more often than we keep up with Gmod's code changes. :D
(Lavacano doesn't visit these parts too often...last was Nov 1 2012)
I haven't tried your code Mr. President, but while messing with this last night I noticed it needs a lot more work than just that to be use on TTT.
As it is, it displays all names in your view, which is really different from TTT, which only displays them within a certain radius of the middle, the names fade in and out depending on distance.
To have them always on would be game changing, as it would be much easier to see the names to call a KOS.
I'll be tinkering with this when I have time, and hopefully release a TTT version of it, unless someone beats me.
This breaks my DarkRP server. The new names show up, but the commands don't work, the HUD shows nothing, default class is Connecting/Joining, and the default weapons from classes are gone.. Any ideas?
How would I stop PRISONER_DEAD and GUARD_DEAD and SPECTATOR Teams tags from being visible. Because we can see them when they are spectating people or when they join the server in the middle of the map.
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