I used 15 minutes to create this test motd for UBan.
1. Install UBan:
http://forums.ulyssesmod.net/index.php/topic,921.0.html2. Download Webserver:
http://www.apache.org/3. Install it correctly or find instructions how to install it.
4. Download (PHP) MOTD Page:
http://www.mediafire.com/?qpbe1oq488mpuz95. Move downloaded files to the "WWW" folder.
6. Configure your MySQL settings in "module/config.php"
7. Link your webserver's address to in your normal MOTD.txt
8. Rules can be edited using a HTML or text in "rules.txt" which comes with MOTD files.

NOTE: That was a test, but i wanted to release it if someone wants to use it with UBan.