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Re: [SVN ULX/ULib only] YouTube music player (UPDATED: June 26th, 2012)

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Is there a limit to how many songs can exist on the player list?  If so, i think i hit it :(

Hello, every time I try to add a video to the YouTube jukebox addon nothing happens and it dosn't play at all. I have been on servers that have working version but I cannot seen to get mine to work.
Does anyone have a working version or a way of fixing this?
Thank you very much!  8)

Tried this?

(also, I merged your question - when having problems getting a specific plugin to work, please post in the original release post (unless of course you're asking about something that's locked, and then I'd recommend dev corner or off topic, since, it was locked for a reason)


--- Quote from: JamminR on July 20, 2013, 06:08:11 PM ---Tried this?

(also, I merged your question - when having problems getting a specific plugin to work, please post in the original release post (unless of course you're asking about something that's locked, and then I'd recommend dev corner or off topic, since, it was locked for a reason)

--- End quote ---
Ahh okay and yes I have tried this but I still receive this error:

--- Code: ---[ERROR] addons/ulx/lua/ulx/modules/cl/youtube_music_player_cl.lua:129: attempt to call field 'Get' (a nil value)
  1. unknown - addons/ulx/lua/ulx/modules/cl/youtube_music_player_cl.lua:129

--- End code ---
Any ideas  :-\

Looks like you're still using the old code from the first post.
The link I've linked to several times over the past few posts, both for you, and for others, line 129 is blank, and the 'update' fixes a Gmod12 function http.Get to a Gmod13 function http.Fetch.

Make sure you're using the latest on the server.
Line 128, 129, and 130 of the file that error shows should look like below.

--- Code: --- local getTheLength = function()

http.Fetch( "http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos/" .. video_id .. "?v=2", function( content, length, headers, returncode )

--- End code ---

129 is actually blank, but, I'm not sure if Gmod returns the line before the error, or actual line of.


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