I jsut think it would be awesome to setup a database that keeps count of warnings per user, so instead of manually administrating and keeping track of minges in your head, you can see where other admins have warned him, there could be a table kept of how many times and why a user has been warned, and "after x warnings the user is x" could be handled in a text file
and jsut in the above mentioned text file could be like
1 slap 1
2 slap 5
3 slay
4 kick
5 ban 60
command: ulx warn [User] {reason} {add this many points to their warn level instead of +1}
maybe another command: ulx viewwarnings [user]
would bring up a derma showing their past offenses
and your record is cleaned after like, 30 days after your last offense? or some convar variabled amount
just had this thought while standing around on the server I admin on, probably some flaws but that's why this is a suggestions subforum I guess