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Rate people with ULX!
Great, good start.
So, let's rule out XGUI 100%.
Try straight from game or even server console (or both).
In game console, type in "ulx rate ^ builder 1"
If no errors,
Did it increase your count? What scoreboard are you using?
Where did you post the code (filename, and path, and posted on server path not client, right?)
Additionally, when pasting the code into a file..what did you use... Windows notepad?
Reason I ask, if windows, depending on settings, notepad will save <anything>.lua as <anything>.lua.txt and Windows explorer will hide the .txt from you, therefore never getting included when server starts.
If using a nonstandard scoreboard with ratings on it...does increasing rating the 'normal' way work?
--- Quote from: JamminR on December 19, 2011, 01:56:19 PM ---Great, good start.
So, let's rule out XGUI 100%.
Try straight from game or even server console (or both).
In game console, type in "ulx rate ^ builder 1"
If no errors,
Did it increase your count? What scoreboard are you using?
Where did you post the code (filename, and path, and posted on server path not client, right?)
Additionally, when pasting the code into a file..what did you use... Windows notepad?
Reason I ask, if windows, depending on settings, notepad will save <anything>.lua as <anything>.lua.txt and Windows explorer will hide the .txt from you, therefore never getting included when server starts.
If using a nonstandard scoreboard with ratings on it...does increasing rating the 'normal' way work?
--- End quote ---
I tryed both consoles and no increasing but I got error message when I tryed in server's console [addons/ulx/lua/ulx/modules/sh/rate.lua:39] attempt to call method 'unique ID' (a nil value)
I'm using sui_scoreboard_modified_v2(http://forums.ulyssesmod.net/index.php/topic,3650.0.html this one if i remember right) and normal rate increasing works normal way
Yes I did it with windows notepad but I removed the whole name first including .txt so its rate.lua.
Ok, so, the server console error shows that <something> is working. The line and error indicated would never work on a server, and the author didn't write any way error checking for it. Not a big deal. (Specifically, code tries to look up unique player ID of person running the command... From "Console" of a server, there is no uniqueID.
But, as for where from there it's going on the actual game, I'm unsure.
I don't know the sqlite (server.db) file tables enough to know if it's updating them properly.
Meg? Stick? MrPres? Anyone else here know if the rating tables the code is updating are the same now as they were when this was released?
Sweetone, I'm also curious..if you leave and rejoin the server, does your scoreboard show the update?
It could just be a scoreboard not updating realtime issue.
--- Quote from: JamminR on December 19, 2011, 03:54:16 PM ---Ok, so, the server console error shows that <something> is working. The line and error indicated would never work on a server, and the author didn't write any way error checking for it. Not a big deal. (Specifically, code tries to look up unique player ID of person running the command... From "Console" of a server, there is no uniqueID.
But, as for where from there it's going on the actual game, I'm unsure.
I don't know the sqlite (server.db) file tables enough to know if it's updating them properly.
Meg? Stick? MrPres? Anyone else here know if the rating tables the code is updating are the same now as they were when this was released?
Sweetone, I'm also curious..if you leave and rejoin the server, does your scoreboard show the update?
It could just be a scoreboard not updating realtime issue.
--- End quote ---
:) no it don't show the update
Hmm... this module was written before I rewrote the ULX logging system... but that alone shouldn't break it.
If you're not getting any errors, it would seem to indicate that garry has changed the way votes are recorded since the time this was released. Does voting from the sui scoreboard itself still work fine?
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