Author Topic: Advert file format changed!  (Read 1926 times)

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Offline Megiddo

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Advert file format changed!
« on: December 31, 2010, 02:47:37 AM »
Due to an oversight in the original advert file format (adverts.txt) design for ULX 2.40, we needed to tweak the format a bit. That change happened tonight in revision 147. If you made any changes to that file, you will need to update to the new format, and you'll need to do it by hand. Since these changes took place within version 2.40 in SVN, there is no automated conversion process.

XGUI should be updated to support the changes in a day or two.

Old format:
Code: [Select]
"You're playing on %host%, enjoy your stay!"
"red" "100"
"green" "255"
"blue" "200"
"time_on_screen" "10"
"time" "300"
"This server is running ULX Admin Mod version %ulx_version% by Team Ulysses -- ulyssesmod.net" "635"

New format:
Code: [Select]
"text" "You're playing on %host%, enjoy your stay!"
"red" "100"
"green" "255"
"blue" "200"
"time_on_screen" "10"
"time" "300"
"text" "This server is running ULX Admin Mod version %ulx_version% by Team Ulysses -- ulyssesmod.net"
"time" "635"
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