Author Topic: ULX_CONVAR issues  (Read 6032 times)

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« on: November 28, 2005, 08:20:03 PM »
Yes, I do realize that there is a major flaw in these convars... they're reset to the default value whenever the map changes, and you can't stick what you want to set them to in a config if you're running a dedicated server ( since commands can't be executed on the actual server ). This turns the poor convars into defines rather than something that you can truly set and expect to stay set.

There are only three ways you can fix this:
1. If you're running a listen server, you can put the values in server.cfg and have them load on map change without a problem
2. You can change the default values as set in scripts
3. You can change the value yourself every time the map changes ( a bit tiring, but an option none the less )

Sorry that there is no permanent solution I could implement as of yet!
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