Redhot, let me first start by saying, we don't take your issue lightly.
BUT (a BIG butt) time and time again we've seen the DarkRP various versions/various author re-dos, and even worse, mods for DarkRP, allow exploitation of not only ULX, but Gmod servers in general. Just as ULX makes it easier for you to administrate your server, when used in combination with other mods that can be exploited, it makes ULX easier to use for those that know how to do evil bidding.
On average, we get a similar posting here, or see ourselves, someone using a DarkRP exploit, or one of DarkRP's mods, every three months.
(See my references below)
Now, I'm not going to say with 100% confidence that ULX isn't the issue here. (Only 99%).
In fact, if you're not using our SVN version of ULib and ULX, I'd say I'm even less sure. (guestimate 96%, our 'release' version is quite old, Gmod has been updated many times)
My first recommendation: Stop using DarkRP in any form.
(No, most don't listen to this, but I must say it anyway)
As for cleaning your server -
(LOTS of steps, cleanest way, wipe server, re-install)
Then after reinstall,
1) Don't restore your data files (various exploits in past have misused other mods to store data),
2) Don't place your rcon password in your /settings/server.cfg file Using google, find the way to start a server with the rcon_password in the command line),
3) Don't restore your mods (just yet). Install only SVN of ULib, ULX. Start first by adding yourself as superadmin to the standard Gmod default /settings/users.txt file as explained in hundreds of other posts/readme files related to Gmod and ULX. Once that's done, restart your server, rebuild your admin base. (Sucks, but safest way)
4) Don't use the allow upload config item.
5) Run server a week or two, Sandbox mode. See if you get hacked. If you do, come back give us more detail. Attach logs. etc.
After a week or three, then, and ONLY after some time, add a mod back or two at a time. Wait a week, test it, see if your server gets hacked.
The time it takes to do this won't only help you find where the real culprit is (most likely not ULX), it may make the hackers bored waiting for you to put the offending mod back on.
Drugz mod? - ULX from
DON'T! NEVER! -,3643.0.htmlUse DarkRP? Please don't. (We DO NOT recommend any version, even now in 2011) -,3183.0.html