Wall of text:
Player init is now done through clientRPC to dodge a really odd bug with usermessages, abolished anything menu-related (use XGUI), rewrote the action logging system (much more robust now with more configuration options), added ulx logEchoColors, ulx logEcho now supports states 1,2, and 3 again, due to the new logging system I was able to add more color to more commands (like ulx thetime), marked anything to do with the old log system as deprecated, now uses more efficient looping in dozens of places, made chat spam protection more efficient, the /me checks in chat now only apply in base Sandbox gamemode (other gamemodes probably want to define that behavior for themselves), silent logging has made a comeback (rcon, luarun, etc), fixed a bug with ulx whip where a timer would never be removed if the player left during whipping, added checks to make sure that we never unignite a player that another mod ignited, can no longer ragdoll a dead person, general code cleanup.
Since I had to go through every single command and change the way it logs, keep your eyes peeled for any commands that either don't work at all or don't log like they should and report bugs in this sub-forum. Also note that old style menus are now completely gone. Go get XGUI instead!
ulx logEcho supports three levels again, just like ULX v3.40. New, however, is the ability to specify access to see who used the command anyways (defaults to admins). So, users would see "(Someone) slapped Bob", while admins would see "Bob slapped himself".
JamminR will be very happy with the "ulx logEchoColors" cvar, I imagine.

These changes also address some requests Ryno brought up. Ryno, if you read this, I don't remember exactly what your problem was (besides knowing that I did solve it with these changes). Do you remember what your request was?