There is a way, in addition to the common one the Source server says, but, why do you need it in the chat area?
Is the console not enough?
I'd leave a server if everytime someone joined I had to see two join messages, one from the server, one from a mod.
Hmm i guess ur right, well then yeah in console might do, but how do i see/activate that, that i can see steamid's in console? (when a player joins u see his steam id in console with his name to) (Sorry im not really common with this kind of stuff >.>)
EDIT: I found this code on the website
local function playerFirstSpawn( ply )
if util.tobool( GetConVarNumber( "ulx_logEvents" ) ) then
ulx.logString( string.format( "%s [%s][%s] joined the server.", ply:Nick(), ply:SteamID(), ply:IPAddress() ) )
hook.Add( "PlayerInitialSpawn", "ULXLogConnect", playerFirstSpawn )
Where can i put this to test it in my serv? Cuz this is actolly exacly what i was looking for, In lua/autorun/server it doesnt work but i probebly have to put it into a ULX file, besides i founded out the log thing for console but it dont work

it dont show up in my console and its enabled. I use SVN ULX Version 3.5 and ULib 2.4 (SVN 158)