Ulysses Stuff > Releases
URS BETA - A Highly Customizeable Restriction System (or will be)
I've been working on this project slowly and decided just to release a Beta that I would build off of. URS is an acronym and stands for Ultimate Restriction Suite. This project is a replacement of URestrict, which development was sadly stopped on. I decided to develop this after URestrict just suddenly stopped working one day on my server and I had absolutely no restrictions. Then Jay announced that he would not be able to continue development on it, and so I decided I'd take up a project of my own. I'm not the most experienced in the field of Lua, but I certainly can get the job done (hopefully I do a decent job).
* Fully functional menu IN XGUI!!
* Restrictions for: Props, Tools, Sweps, Sents, Vehicles, Ragdolls, Effects, Advance Duplicator, Pickups (weapons), and NPCs.
* Custom Limits for: Vehicles, Effects, Npcs, Ragdolls, Props, and Sents.
* Custom Loadouts for each and every group.
* Tool Usage Logging
* Auto-Saving, never lose your changes!
* Decide if your changes are public or not!
* Restrict everything of a given type at once!
* Does not tamper with Prop Protections or other scripts!
Please see our Wiki page for additional help!
NOTE: Requires version 3.50+ of ULX
(Workshop is most likely to be out of date)
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I think you have a great idea going there, but I hope you have a menu soon because 70% of my admins cant use stuff like this without a menu (no offence any admins that are reading this). I also would like to offer some help, because I am just starting to code LUA and this is a great opportunity to learn. In addition if its not too much of a struggle I was wondering if you could integrate the restrictions with SQL.
Looking good!
--- Quote from: HeLLFox_15 on May 09, 2011, 09:18:07 PM ---I think you have a great idea going there, but I hope you have a menu soon because 70% of my admins cant use stuff like this without a menu (no offence any admins that are reading this). I also would like to offer some help, because I am just starting to code LUA and this is a great opportunity to learn. In addition if its not too much of a struggle I was wondering if you could integrate the restrictions with SQL.
--- End quote ---
I could probably get something in for SQL, but the menu and some other additions I have planned come first.
Very nice.
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