Author Topic: URS BETA - A Highly Customizeable Restriction System (or will be)  (Read 581270 times)

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Offline Aaron113

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Re: URS BETA - A Highly Customizeable Restriction System (or will be)
« Reply #30 on: May 30, 2011, 12:46:30 PM »
I forgot to mention that excluded groups are allowed if restrict from all.  So if you restrict the duplicator from everyone except superadmins (ulx restrict tool duplicator * superadmin), then they will be excluded for that tool from the wildcard as well.
(Hopefully this makes sense... I don't really know how to explain it any better.)

Offline Aaron113

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Re: URS BETA - A Highly Customizeable Restriction System (or will be)
« Reply #31 on: June 07, 2011, 07:56:23 PM »
I've made some more progress and got in a working Add button along with the disabling of buttons/text boxes when they are not meant to be wrote in or used.  I've decided that the remove all button would be pretty useless and decided just not to add it.  I still need to mix some stuff out in the layout and finish data sending, but I think this puts me close to finishing this GUI (until I add something new).

Little more detail on restrict all:  You can restrict everything of a given type (listed in the features menu for restrictions).  When you do this, they cannot spawn or use anything from the specified group.  If a group is excluded from restrictions on say the duplicator and restricted from all tools and the same time, that group will be able to use the excluded tool, the duplicator.

Example of restricting all:  "ulx restrict all tool user operator"
Example of excluding from duplicator restrictions:  "ulx restrict tool duplicator * operator"

I may have to come up with a new excluding system, but this works fine for now.

Full Size Image

Do take note that this isn't in the SVN yet.

Offline krooks

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Re: URS BETA - A Highly Customizeable Restriction System (or will be)
« Reply #32 on: June 07, 2011, 10:16:40 PM »
looking gooood cant wait.
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Offline Aaron113

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Re: URS BETA - A Highly Customizeable Restriction System (or will be)
« Reply #33 on: June 13, 2011, 09:35:13 AM »
Here is the final layout:

Now I'm just awaiting for Stickly to assist me with XGUI's data sending/retrieving.  Any suggestions?

EDIT:  Also, some of the previous pictures may not work at the moment.  I'm having some difficulties with my website.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2011, 10:56:14 PM by Aaron113 »

Offline macman

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Re: URS BETA - A Highly Customizeable Restriction System (or will be)
« Reply #34 on: June 18, 2011, 10:25:36 AM »
Hi, I think i have done it all right but my guests still spawn with weapons, any help or ideas?

Offline Aaron113

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Re: URS BETA - A Highly Customizeable Restriction System (or will be)
« Reply #35 on: June 18, 2011, 11:46:57 AM »
Do you happen to get any errors?  It's hard to tell with so little info.

EDIT:  There may be a problem with the latest revision.  I'll check it out quick.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2011, 11:49:41 AM by Aaron113 »

Offline macman

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Re: URS BETA - A Highly Customizeable Restriction System (or will be)
« Reply #36 on: June 18, 2011, 11:52:32 AM »
Do you happen to get any errors?  It's hard to tell with so little info.

EDIT:  There may be a problem with the latest revision.  I'll check it out quick.

no errors, it just dose not restrict anything.

Offline Aaron113

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Re: URS BETA - A Highly Customizeable Restriction System (or will be)
« Reply #37 on: June 18, 2011, 12:07:22 PM »
Odd.  It's working fine for me.  Can you tell me the commands you are entering?

EDIT:  Also, if you could, type "ulx print loadouts" into your console.  Copy and paste what it echos.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2011, 12:23:20 PM by Aaron113 »

Offline macman

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Re: URS BETA - A Highly Customizeable Restriction System (or will be)
« Reply #38 on: June 18, 2011, 01:28:29 PM »
Odd.  It's working fine for me.  Can you tell me the commands you are entering?

EDIT:  Also, if you could, type "ulx print loadouts" into your console.  Copy and paste what it echos.

here is the console output and im using the XGUI to input the restrictions, the command i used was "ulx print all" to get the console out put.

Code: [Select]
URS - Limits:
URS - Restrictions:
1 = user
1 = user
1 = user
1 = user
1 = user
1 = user
1 = user
1 = user
1 = user
1 = user
1 = user
1 = user
1 = user
1 = user
1 = user
1 = user
1 = user
1 = user
1 = user
1 = user
URS - Loadouts:
* Check console for a list of your Limits, Restrictions, and Loadouts *

Offline Aaron113

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Re: URS BETA - A Highly Customizeable Restriction System (or will be)
« Reply #39 on: June 18, 2011, 08:39:48 PM »
Well, you've been using my commands wrong.  "ulx restrict all" is used to restrict all of a given type of entities ( sents, sweps, props, tools, etc. ).  To have a user spawn with said weapons you must use the command shown below.  Do keep in mind that the first weapon listed is the weapon they will have out upon spawning.

Basic Example:  ulx loadoutadd user weapon_crowbar weapon_physgun weapon_physcannon gmod_camera gmod_tool

Use spaces to separate as mentioned in the OP.  You can use the command more then once, it will not overwrite.  To remove a swep use "ulx loadoutremove".  It has a similar usage.

I do apologize.  I need to make certain restrictions on restrict all as it has a limited usage.  I also need to work on the OP.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2011, 08:54:36 PM by Aaron113 »

Offline macman

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Re: URS BETA - A Highly Customizeable Restriction System (or will be)
« Reply #40 on: June 19, 2011, 04:02:00 AM »
Well, you've been using my commands wrong.  "ulx restrict all" is used to restrict all of a given type of entities ( sents, sweps, props, tools, etc. ).  To have a user spawn with said weapons you must use the command shown below.  Do keep in mind that the first weapon listed is the weapon they will have out upon spawning.

Basic Example:  ulx loadoutadd user weapon_crowbar weapon_physgun weapon_physcannon gmod_camera gmod_tool

Use spaces to separate as mentioned in the OP.  You can use the command more then once, it will not overwrite.  To remove a swep use "ulx loadoutremove".  It has a similar usage.

I do apologize.  I need to make certain restrictions on restrict all as it has a limited usage.  I also need to work on the OP.

Ok i deleted the restriction files and ill try again unseeing the above command, Thanks.

Offline Blasphemy

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Re: URS BETA - A Highly Customizeable Restriction System (or will be)
« Reply #41 on: June 23, 2011, 09:48:59 AM »
I love this plugin, there is one problem however. If you use stacker, you can still go over the prop limit set by URS and hit the default sandbox gamemode.

Offline Aaron113

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Re: URS BETA - A Highly Customizeable Restriction System (or will be)
« Reply #42 on: June 23, 2011, 11:35:46 AM »
I'll look into that when I can.  I may try to include it in the next revision if it can be fixed.  It may require editing of the tool.

I plan on releasing what I have done of the GUI as soon as I get the data sending semi-done.  Stickly seems to have just up an vanished, so I cannot get it working the best yet.

Offline Megiddo

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Re: URS BETA - A Highly Customizeable Restriction System (or will be)
« Reply #43 on: June 23, 2011, 04:59:19 PM »
Stickly seems to have just up an vanished, so I cannot get it working the best yet.

He's back today
Experiencing God's grace one day at a time.

Offline Aaron113

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Re: URS BETA - A Highly Customizeable Restriction System (or will be)
« Reply #44 on: June 23, 2011, 09:06:47 PM »
I'm aware.  We had a short chat today.  I hope to release the GUI soon.