Author Topic: ULX 3.50 -- Potato  (Read 7390 times)

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Offline Megiddo

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ULX 3.50 -- Potato
« on: May 13, 2011, 05:20:46 PM »
We want to thank the community for being so patient with us while we worked on this update! This release has been codenamed "potato", but has no relation to evil, domineering potatoes that have doomed us all.

The biggest changes in this release are the overhaul to the command system (giving much better errors when syntax is incorrect, much better autocomplete, and making our code much simpler) and XGUI (a GUI interface written by our very own Stickly Man!).

Here's the changelogs:
Quote from: ULX changelog
v3.50 - *(05/13/11)*
   * [ADD] Autocomplete to ulx playsound.
   * [ADD] Hook, "ULXLoaded".
   * [ADD] Documentation for new keywords to "ulx help". Keywords for target self, target group, target picker, and negate.
   * [ADD] Ability to specify a URL in "ulx showMotd" to show a URL.
   * [ADD] ulx removeuserid, userallowid, userdenyid.
   * [ADD] Integrated UTeam.
   * [ADD] Colored action echoes.
   * [ADD] ulx logJoinLeaveEchoes to echo player steamid's to admins when players join and leave.
   * [FIX] Problem when ulx votemapMintime or votemapWaittime was more than 59 minutes (Thanks Stickly Man!).
   * [FIX] Improved error checking on "ulx ent" (Thanks Python1320).
   * [FIX] Error when running "ulx whip" from dedicated console (Thanks AtomicSpark).
   * [FIX] Can no longer use "ulx motd" if the server has motd disabled, made it so you can change "ulx showMotd" on-the-fly (Thanks AtomicSpark).
   * [FIX] "ulx groupallow" error when used from outside the server console (Thanks AtomicSpark).
   * [FIX] ULX done loading hook removal on listen servers (Thanks Stickly Man!).
   * [FIX] Fixed "ulx unspectate" not working in DarkRP (Thanks Ayran).
   * [FIX] Fixed "ulx unragdoll" not working in DarkRP (Thanks Ayran).
   * [FIX] Fixed an issue with dying while frozen (Thanks Stickly Man!).
   * [FIX] Can't repeatedly slay someone anymore.
   * [FIX] Can't attempt to ban a bot anymore (Thanks Stickly Man!).
   * [FIX] Asay being printed to console twice if the console used the command.
   * [FIX] Ragdolling a player with the Eli Vance model no longer throws an error (Thanks Insano-Man).
   * [FIX] Admin approval box timing out and not allowing any more votes to be taken (Thanks Rambomst).
   * [FIX] Various garry breakages.
   * [FIX] A bug with ulx whip where a timer would never be removed if the player left during whipping.
   * [FIX] Can no longer ragdoll a dead person (Thanks RiftNinja).
   * [FIX] Jails are much more robust (if you get out, it puts you back, and you can't get physgunned out) (Thanks RiftNinja).
   * [FIX] Can no longer slay frozen players (Thanks RiftNinja).
   * [FIX] Can no longer whip or slap frozen players, and freezing a whipped player stops the whip (Thanks Stickly Man!).
   * [CHANGE] Usermanagement commands, ulx who, and various other functions to better take advantage of the new UCL system
   * [CHANGE] ulx ignite no longer spreads. Spreading messed up UPS protection.
   * [CHANGE] Lots of various accessibility changes for XGUI.
   * [CHANGE] Lowered priority of gimp check, you can now ungimp yourself while gimped.
   * [CHANGE] Replaced cvar implementation for XGUI. Uses replicated cvars now for easy menu access.
   * [CHANGE] Errors now show in red.
   * [CHANGE] "ulx ent" can now be undone using garry's undo system.
   * [CHANGE] Dropped requirement to read usermanagementhelp before using those commands.
   * [CHANGE] Player isn't allowed to suicide while in a lot of the different ulx-states now.
   * [CHANGE] Lots of changes to support new command system.
   * [CHANGE] Moved config system to data folder, separated out some of the configs to separate files.
   * [CHANGE] Shortened maul time considerably.
   * [CHANGE] Added ability to get the return of ulx luarun by using '=', IE "ulx luarun =2+2" (also handles tables!).
   * [CHANGE] Added uid to debuginfo.
   * [CHANGE] tsay and csay now log who used the command.
   * [CHANGE] Can specify '-1' to ulx logSpawnsEcho to disable echoing to dedicated console.
   * [CHANGE] ulx adduser will use your existing id you're currently authed by if it exists, instead of always using steam id.
   * [REMOVE] ulx ghost, I was never happy with it.
   * [REMOVE] Old menus, uses XGUI now.

Quote from: ULib changelog
v2.40 - *(05/13/11)*
   * [ADD] ULib.tsayColor and Ulib.tsayError
   * [ADD] Replicated cvars. Nearly a direct port from the UPS implementation, with a few improvements.
   * [ADD] queueFunctionCall, ported from UPS.
   * [ADD] Player:GetUserGroup().
   * [ADD] Player:CheckGroup(), ability to check if a user in a group via inheritance.
   * [ADD] ULib.getPlyByUID().
   * [ADD] ULib.clientRPC(), send massive amounts of data to a client with ease.
   * [ADD] Upgrade script.
   * [ADD] hook.getCurrentHooks(), returns all currently processing hooks.
   * [ADD] hook.isInHook( name ), returns if you're in the specified hook or not.
   * [ADD] ULib.splitPort(), ULib.isValidSteamID(), ULib.isValidIP().
   * [ADD] ULib.backupFile().
   * [ADD] ULib.throwBadArg(), useful for argument checking.
   * [ADD] ULib.checkArg(), useful for argument checking.
   * [ADD] ULib.getPicker(), returns a user directly in front of another user.
   * [ADD] Utilities for table inheritance.
   * [ADD] New 'translation' command system that acts as a wrapper between a user and lua.
   * [ADD] New (and very different) command system.
   * [ADD] Lots of new hooks.
   * [ADD] Support for gatekeeper in ULib.kick.
   * [ADD] Our own optimized version of datastream, since garry's implementation is always broken.
   * [ADD] ULib.getAllReadyPlayers(), useful for sending usermessages to everyone.
   * [ADD] Basic spam detection system for ULib commands.
   * [FIX] ULib.filesInDir, was completely broken.
   * [FIX] The usual assortment of garry breakages.
   * [FIX] Some case-sensitive issues with the ULib add-command functions.
   * [FIX] Attempting to delete misc_registered.txt when it didn't exist.
   * [FIX] ULib.splitArgs now really properly handles escaped quotes and now unescapes them.
   * [FIX] Concommands created by ULib removing empty args.
   * [FIX] Overflowing command buffer when executing large config files.
   * [FIX] Optimized various functions to support up to 4000 bans (at least!).
   * [FIX] Bug where reloading ban information when a temp ban had less than a minute left made the ban permanent.
   * [FIX] Bug where ULib was reading in bad characters from source bans (Thanks edk141).
   * [CHANGE] Chat hooks are now a high priority due to other aggressive admin mods overriding ULX.
   * [CHANGE] Rewrote UCL entirely. The upgrade script should take care of bringing over old data into the new system.
   * [CHANGE] Added the ability to have access tags for each access string. These allow the accesses to have customizable behavior.
   * [CHANGE] Access tags now have comments attached to them (for the "what is it?" among us).
   * [CHANGE] Added lots of keywords (and keyword negation!) to ULib.getUsers and ULib.getUser.
   * [CHANGE] Invisible gets rid of shadows now.
   * [CHANGE] Garry's hook table spec is now more closely followed. (Thanks aVoN!)
   * [CHANGE] Moved the hook changes to the shared portion so clients can use the enhanced hooks as well.
   * [CHANGE] Updated the hooks file to match garry's recent changes. Also increased efficiency in hooks (faster than garry's!)
   * [CHANGE] Slaps now do a view punch as well.
   * [CHANGE] Allow nil access on ULib.addSayCommand so that you can create a command you always have access to.
   * [CHANGE] ULib.ucl.query always returns true when a nil access string is passed in.
   * [REMOVE] Ability to have passwords in UCL, don't think it worked anymore and it was never really used.
   * [REMOVE] Immunity no longer exists, since the new UCL has a much better method of doing the same thing.
   * [REMOVE] Some hooks due to garry breakage.
   * [REMOVE] Chat sounds on tsay, engine no longer makes sounds so neither should tsay.
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Offline Megiddo

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Re: ULX 3.50 -- Potato
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2011, 05:22:17 PM »
On another note, Megiddo will be taking a vacation for the rest of the month. No, really. See you all again in June!
Experiencing God's grace one day at a time.

Offline krooks

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Re: ULX 3.50 -- Potato
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2011, 05:04:10 PM »
nice update and have a great vacation!
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