I think the best part about these geeky videos is the fact that they arn't being shown on youtube. Making them even more geeky. 
so good haha
Actually, there's a more info link where the user submitted vids can add link information.
Some actually do start out at YT, and the YT link is added.
What I enjoy is the fact I don't have to wade through all the other 'stuff' that YT contains...Wimp (and dump) pick out the decent ones for me (mostly)

I then search for the specific YT user or vid, and browse to other sites they mention from there. It's how I found Pogo. His Gardyn track was posted on wimp.
Oh, btw, though the thread title was renamed JamminR's, if you find cool geek stuff, post it.
I figure one day Megiddo will say 'enough' and archive the post.

Please, do links, not actual embeds.