Author Topic: Server problem  (Read 1882 times)

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Offline azerak

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Server problem
« on: June 21, 2011, 09:18:52 PM »
I've tried different verison of ULX, and when I restart the server, it won't load back up, and when I try to install ulx and ulib well, thats really as far as I get most of the time...

I am not sure what to do... I am trying to get DarkRP 2.4.2 and this Mod ULX, but the mod never wants to work, when I did, it wouldn't work fully and the commands and etc would be corrupted.

Offline JamminR

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Re: Server problem
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2011, 01:51:07 PM »
Well, I have to say, I've not seen such a poor "it doesn't work" post in a long time.

So, one step at a time.
I've tried different verison of ULX, and when I restart the server, it won't load back up, and when I try to install ulx and ulib well, thats really as far as I get
As far as we're concerned, there are only two 'versions' of ULX.
Our release version, which is known to work fine, downloadable from www.ulyssesmod.net , and our SVN version, which is beta code, works for 99% of the people that use it most of the time, and probably 97% of the users all the time. SVN can be found in our SVN forum.

Both versions require the latest versions of ULib (Release for release, SVN for SVN)
What errors do you get in server console when you try to start the server using ULib and ULX downloaded from one of our official methods?

I am not sure what to do... I am trying to get DarkRP 2.4.2 and this Mod ULX, but the mod never wants to work, when I did, it wouldn't work fully and the commands and etc would be corrupted.

Wait, you just said originally you never got your server to start.
Which is it?
Tried without DarkRP?
What in the mod 'never wants to work'?
What do you mean by corrupted? What errors do you get in server console?
What errors do you get in game console?

Did you read the readme.txt file included with both addons?
Reading those files, did you install ULib and ULX correctly?
Do ULib and ULX show as even loading in the server console?

Really, we know it works. Many users agree.
We can't tell you what you're doing wrong if all you tell us is "it doesn't work".
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